Xavier P. Burgos-Artizzu

About Me

I am the co-founder & CTO of MovumTech, a startup created to research and apply innovative Artificial Intelligence-based solutions to Dentistry, such as our first product implantifai

B.Eng (2005) and M.Sc. (2007) in Computer Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, I received my Ph.D. (Best PhD in CS award) in 2009 for my research on Computer Vision and Robotics applied to Agriculture, a joint effort from the Spanish National Research Council and the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. After my Ph.D. I spent 3 years as a postdoc at the Vision Lab in Caltech (USA), working on visual recognition, action recognition and object detection/tracking. Then, I joined Technicolor Research & Innovation (FRANCE) as a Senior Scientist, where for two years I researched visual recognition applied to new technologies and led a 3D facial animation project for the movie industry. Then, I was for four years Head of Research at Transmural Biotech, a startup (spin-off of Hospital Clinic from Barcelona) created to research and apply novel Computer Vision and Machine Learning methods for non-invasive clinical diagnosis.

My broad research interests include Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (Computer Vision, Machine/Deep Learning) and Robotics.

Short Bio


2021 – CTO & Co-founder, Movumtech, Madrid&Barcelona, SPAIN

2018 – 2021 – Medical Image platform coordinator, Barcelona Fetal Medicine Research Centre, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, SPAIN

2016 – 2021 – Head of Research, Transmural Biotech, Barcelona, SPAIN

2013 – 2016 – Senior Scientist, Technicolor Research & Innovation, Rennes, FRANCE

2010 – 2013 – Postdoctoral fellow, Computer Vision Lab, California Institute of Technology, USA

2010 – Postdoctoral fellow, Centro de Automatica y Robotica (CAR), Joint venture of Universidad Politecnica de Madrid & Spanish National Research Council (UPM-CSIC), SPAIN

2008 – Visiting Student, National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland, AUSTRALIA

2006 – 2009 – Ph.D. Student, Instituto de Automatica Industrial (IAI), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), SPAIN


2009 – Ph.D. in Computer Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

2007 – M.Sc. in Computer Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

2005 – B.Eng in Computer Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


2011 – Best Ph.D. in Computer Science 2009-2010 award, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

2010 – Postdoctoral Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education

2007 – Ph.D. Student Fellowship, Spanish National Research Council

2006 – Postgraduate Fellowship, Spanish National Research Council


since 2020 – Collaborating professor, Master of Data Science, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

2013 – “Cascaded Pose Regression”. Caltech EE/CNS/CS 148 b

2010 – “Tratamiento y Aplicaciones de Imagenes Digitales y Vision por Computador”. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (on-line course)